Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Black Hills

My mom had moved to the Black Hills. I went to visit her for the summer It was so good to be with my Mom again this was to be my last summer of innocence and what a beautiful place to spend it living in the mountains was like living in a dream surrounded by beauty. The whole summer was like a move I was so happy to be with my Mom again I missed her so much.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Just my Dad and I. We at a lot of pasta spaghetti, goulash, macaroni and milk I don't remember eating anything else just those three dishes I am sure we most have at other things but i just remember eating those over and over again. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Braided Rug Self Portrait of Chicago artist Alllen Vandever

I remember sitting on a braided rug in my mom's new place.   I felt melancholy.   I remember following the patterns of the rug with my eyes.. Then I began falling into the patterns  losing myself.  I escaped  from the sadness and traveled into the rug I found a whole new world,  were my sorrows did not exist. A good painting is one I can travel into and explore and loose my self in and find my self again. Now I create paintings for people to escape into and find there own worlds to explore and lose themselves in and then find them selfs a new.

Self portrait of Chicago artist Allen Vandever Braided Rug 30in by 30in

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

My memory of my Mom Leaving

I remember looking out the window as a car pulled away.  I remember crying and my Dad yelling. I ran to my room in tears.  My Dad was in my doorway, I felt like he was blaming me for my Mother leaving. For many years, I thought it was my fault that my Mom left even as a young adult I still felt that way. My family was shattered and all the kings horses and all the kings men could never put it together again.